Results for 'Carter Anne McGowan'

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  1.  34
    Conscience Rights and “Effective Referral” in Ontario.Carter Anne McGowan - 2018 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18 (2):255-268.
    In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada decriminalized euthanasia. Soon after, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario enacted the Professional Obligations and Human Rights policy and the Medical Assistance in Dying policy. Neither these policies nor the Medical Assistance in Dying Act, the Ontario law permitting euthanasia, contains a conscientious objection clause. Instead, the policies require objecting doctors to provide an effective referral to a doctor who will euthanize the patient. Objecting physicians brought suit against the college. In (...)
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    A Mixed Methods Analysis of Requests for Religious Exemptions to a COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, Elizabeth Lanphier, Anne Housholder & Michelle McGowan - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (1):15-22.
    Background: While employers are increasingly considering and implementing COVID-19 vaccination requirements, little is known about the reasons offered by employees seeking religious exemptions.Methods: We conducted a mixed methods analysis of all the requests for religious exemptions submitted during the initial implementation of a COVID-19 vaccination requirement at a single academic medical center in the United States.Results: Five hundred sixty-five (3.4%) employees requested religious exemptions. At least 305 (54.0%) requesters had job titles suggesting that they had direct patient contact. Four hundred (...)
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    The state of the science and art of practice guidelines development, dissemination and evaluation in Canada.Ian D. Graham, Susan Beardall, Anne O. Carter, Jacqueline Tetroe & Barbara Davies - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (2):195-202.
  4. Meylan, Anne (2017). In support of the Knowledge-First conception of the normativity of justification. In: Carter, J Adam; Gordon, Emma C; Jarvis, Benjamin. Knowledge First: Approaches in Epistemology and Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 246-258.Anne Meylan, J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon & Benjamin Jarvis (eds.) - 2017
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    Predicting Definite and Indefinite Referents During Discourse Comprehension: Evidence from Event‐Related Potentials.Georgia-Ann Carter & Mante S. Nieuwland - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13092.
    Linguistic predictions may be generated from and evaluated against a representation of events and referents described in the discourse. Compatible with this idea, recent work shows that predictions about novel noun phrases include their definiteness. In the current follow-up study, we ask whether people engage similar prediction-related processes for definite and indefinite referents. This question is relevant for linguistic theories that imply a processing difference between definite and indefinite noun phrases, typically because definiteness is thought to require a uniquely identifiable (...)
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    Discourse coherence modulates use of predictive processing during sentence comprehension.Georgia-Ann Carter & Paul Hoffman - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105637.
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    Shared Health Governance: The Potential Danger of Oppressive “Healthism”.Stacy M. Carter, Vikki Ann Entwistle, Kirsten McCaffery & Lucie Rychetnik - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (7):57 - 59.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 7, Page 57-59, July 2011.
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    Epistemic pluralism.J. Adam Carter & Anne-Kathrin Koch - 2020 - In A. Bitoni, P. Harris, C. S. Fleisher & A. K. Binderkrantz (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs.
    Epistemic pluralism is a form of pluralism whose object is knowledge, a sub- stantial component or prerequisite of knowledge, or a process of knowledge acquisition. It assumes that this target notion can be realised in not one, but many ways, and that this plurality is non-trivial.
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    A gap in Nisbett and Wilson’s findings? A first-person access to our cognitive processes.Claire Petitmengin, Anne Remillieux, Béatrice Cahour & Shirley Carter-Thomas - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):654-669.
    The well-known experiments of Nisbett and Wilson lead to the conclusion that we have no introspective access to our decision-making processes. Johansson et al. have recently developed an original protocol consisting in manipulating covertly the relationship between the subjects’ intended choice and the outcome they were presented with: in 79.6% of cases, they do not detect the manipulation and provide an explanation of the choice they did not make, confirming the findings of Nisbett and Wilson. We have reproduced this protocol, (...)
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  10. The Oxford Handbook of History and Material Culture.Ivan Gaskell & Sarah Anne Carter (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
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    Complex collaboration champions: university third space professionals working together across borders.Natalia Veles, Margaret-Anne Carter & Helen Boon - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (2-3):75-85.
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    Cognitive Control of Episodic Memory in Schizophrenia: Differential Role of Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex.John D. Ragland, Charan Ranganath, Joshua Phillips, Megan A. Boudewyn, Ann M. Kring, Tyler A. Lesh, Debra L. Long, Steven J. Luck, Tara A. Niendam, Marjorie Solomon, Tamara Y. Swaab & Cameron S. Carter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  13.  16
    Developing a State University System Model to Diversify Faculty in the Biomedical Sciences.Robin Herlands Cresiski, Cynthia Anne Ghent, Janet C. Rutledge, Wendy Y. Carter-Veale, Jennifer Aumiller, John Carlo Bertot, Blessing Enekwe, Erin Golembewski, Yarazeth Medina & Michael S. Scott - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Amid increasing demands from students and the public, universities have recently reinvigorated their efforts to increase the number of faculty from underrepresented populations. Although a myriad of piecemeal programs targeting individual recruitment and development have been piloted at several institutions, overall growth in faculty diversity remains almost negligible and highly localized. To bring about genuine change, we hypothesize a consortia approach that links individuals to hiring opportunities within a state university system might be more effective. Here we present a case (...)
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  14. Persistence: Contemporary Readings.Sally Anne Haslanger & Roxanne Marie Kurtz (eds.) - 2006 - Bradford.
    How does an object persist through change? How can a book, for example, open in the morning and shut in the afternoon, persist through a change that involves the incompatible properties of being open and being shut? The goal of this reader is to inform and reframe the philosophical debate around persistence; it presents influential accounts of the problem that range from classic papers by W. V. O. Quine, David Lewis, and Judith Jarvis Thomson to recent work by contemporary philosophers. (...)
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  15.  27
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Kenneth D. Mccracken, Erskine S. Dottin, Henry Grunder, James C. Carper, J. J. Chambliss, Patricia Anne Carter, George R. Knight, F. Michael Perko & Paul A. Wagner - 1986 - Educational Studies 17 (4):550-598.
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    Zizek Now: Current Perspectives in Zizek Studies.Jamil Khader & Molly Anne Rothenberg (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Arguably the most prolific and most widely read philosopher of our time, Slavoj Zizek has made indelible interventions into many disciplines of the so-called human sciences that have transformed the terms of discussion in these fields. Although his work has been the subject of many volumes of searching criticism and commentary, there is no assessment to date of the value of his work for the development of these disciplines. _Zizek Now_ brings together distinguished critics to explore the utility and far-ranging (...)
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  17.  58
    Carter (J.C.) Discovering the Greek countryside at Metaponto. (Jerome Lectures 23.) Pp. xxviii + 287, b/w & colour ills, maps. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2006. Cased, US$85. ISBN: 978-0-472-11477-. [REVIEW]David Ridgway - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):259-260.
  18. Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm.Mary Kate McGowan - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    We all know that speech can be harmful. But how? Mary Kate McGowan argues that speech constitutes harm when it enacts a norm that prescribes that harm. She investigates such harms as oppression, subordination, and discrimination in such forms of speech as sexist remarks, racist hate speech, pornography, verbal triggers, and micro-aggressions.
  19. The Battle of Objects and Subjects: Concerning Sbriglia and Žižek’s Subject Lessons Anthology.Graham Harman - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):314-334.
    This article mounts a defense of Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) from various criticisms made in Russell Sbriglia and Slavoj Žižek’s co-edited anthology Subject Lessons. Along with Sbriglia and Žižek’s own Introduction to the volume, the article responds to the chapters by Todd McGowan, Adrian Johnston, and Molly Anne Rothenberg, the three in which my own version of OOO is most frequently discussed.
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    Capitalism and Desire: The Psychic Cost of Free Markets.Todd McGowan - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    Despite creating vast inequalities and propping up reactionary world regimes, capitalism has many passionate defenders—but not because of what it withholds from some and gives to others. Capitalism dominates, Todd McGowan argues, because it mimics the structure of our desire while hiding the trauma that the system inflicts upon it. People from all backgrounds enjoy what capitalism provides, but at the same time are told more and better is yet to come. Capitalism traps us through an incomplete satisfaction that (...)
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  21. Oppressive speech.Mary Kate McGowan - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (3):389 – 407.
    I here present two different models of oppressive speech. My interest is not in how speech can cause oppression, but in how speech can actually be an act of oppression. As we shall see, a particular type of speech act, the exercitive, enacts permissibility facts. Since oppressive speech enacts permissibility facts that oppress, speech must be exercitive in order for it to be an act of oppression. In what follows, I distinguish between two sorts of exercitive speech acts (the standard (...)
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  22.  20
    Postmodernism and its Critics.John McGowan - 2020 - Cornell University Press.
  23. On 'Whites Only' Signs and Racist Hate Speech: Verbal Acts of Racial Discrimination.Mary Kate McGowan - 2012 - In Ishani Maitra & Mary Kate McGowan (eds.), Speech and Harm: Controversies Over Free Speech. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 121-147.
    This paper argues that racist speech in public places ought to be regulable even with teh strict free speech protections of the First Amendment. McGowan argues that the same justification for regulating the hanging of a 'Whites Only' sign applies to racist utterances in public spaces.
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  24.  73
    Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm: An Overview and an Application.Mary Kate McGowan - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (2):129-149.
    ABSTRACT This paper argues for a hidden way in which speech constitutes harm by enacting harmful norms. The paper then explores the potential legal consequences of uncovering such instances of harm constitution. In particular, the paper argues that some public racist speech constitutes harm and is thus harmful enough to warrant legal remedy. Such utterances are actionable, it is contended, because they enact discriminatory norms in public spaces.
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  25. Conversational Exercitives and the Force of Pornography.Mary Kate Mcgowan - 2003 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 31 (2):155-189.
    This paper criticizes Langton's speech act account of MacKinnon's claim about (the subordinating force of) pornography and offers a different account of how speech might enact harmful norms and thus constitute harm.
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  26.  20
    Universality and Identity Politics.Todd McGowan - 2019 - Columbia University Press.
    The great political ideas and movements of the modern world were founded on a promise of universal emancipation. But in recent decades, much of the Left has grown suspicious of such aspirations. Critics see the invocation of universality as a form of domination or a way of speaking for others, and have come to favor a politics of particularism—often derided as “identity politics.” Others, both centrists and conservatives, associate universalism with twentieth-century totalitarianism and hold that it is bound to lead (...)
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  27. Conversational exercitives: Something else we do with our words.Mary Kate Mcgowan - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (1):93-111.
    In this paper, I present a new (i.e., previously overlooked) breed of exercitive speech act (the conversational exercitive). I establish that any conversational contribution that invokes a rule of accommodation changes the bounds of conversational permissibility and is therefore an (indirect) exercitive speech act. Such utterances enact permissibility facts without expressing the content of such facts, without the speaker intending to be enacting such facts and without the hearer recognizing that it is so. Because of the peculiar nature ofthe rules (...)
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  28. Sincerity Silencing.Mary Kate Mcgowan - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):458-473.
    Catharine MacKinnon claims that pornography silences women in a way that violates the right to free speech. This claim is, of course, controversial, but if it is correct, then the very free speech reasons for protecting pornography appear also to afford reason to restrict it. For this reason, it has gained considerable attention. The philosophical literature thus far focuses on a type of silencing identified and analyzed by Jennifer Hornsby and Rae Langton (H&L). This article identifies, analyzes, and argues for (...)
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  29. Debate: On silencing and sexual refusal.Mary Kate McGowan - 2009 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (4):487-494.
    This paper argues that an addressee's failure to recognize a speaker's authority can constitutes another form of silencing.
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  30.  15
    Emancipation after Hegel: achieving a contradictory revolution.Todd McGowan - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Divided he falls -- The path to contradiction: redefining emancipation -- Hegel after Freud -- What Hegel means when he says Vernunft -- The insubstantiality of substance: restoring Hegel's lost limbs -- Love and logic -- How to avoid experience -- Learning to love the end of history: freedom through logic -- Resisting resistance, or freedom is a positive thing -- Absolute or bust -- Emancipation without solutions -- Replanting Hegel's tree.
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  31.  60
    Response to Critics.Mary Kate McGowan - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (2):211-220.
    McGowan here responds to essays written in critical engagement with her lead essay (Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm: An Overview and an Application). She here responds to Caroline West, Ishani Maitra, Jeremy Waldron, Robert Mark Simpson, Lawrence Lengbeyer, Louise Richardsoon-Self, Laura Caponetto and Bianca Cepollaro.
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    Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology.Barbara Smith - 2000 - Rutgers University Press.
    The pioneering anthology Home Girls features writings by Black feminist and lesbian activists on topics both provocative and profound. Since its initial publication in 1983, it has become an essential text on Black women's lives and writings. This edition features an updated list of contributor biographies and an all-new preface that provides a fresh assessment of how Black women's lives have changed-or not-since the book was first published. Contributors are Tania Abdulahad, Donna Allegra, Barbara A. Banks, Becky Birtha, Julie (...), Cenen, Cheryl Clarke, Michelle Cliff, Michelle T. Clinton, Willie M. Coleman, Toi Derricotte, Alexis De Veaux, Jewelle L. Gomez, Akasha (Gloria) Hull, Patricia Jones, June Jordan, Audre Lorde, Raymina Y. Mays, Deidre McCalla, Chirlane McCray, Pat Parker, Linda C. Powell, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Spring Redd, Gwendolyn Rogers, Kate Rushin, Ann Allen Shockley, Barbara Smith, Beverly Smith, Shirley O. Steele, Luisah Teish, Jameelah Waheed, Alice Walker, and Renita Weems. (shrink)
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  33. On Racist Hate Speech and the Scope of a Free Speech Principle.Mary Kate McGowan & Ishani Maitra - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 23 (2):343-372.
    In this paper, we argue that to properly understand our commitment to a principle of free speech, we must pay attention to what should count as speech for the purposes of such a principle. We defend the view that ‘speech’ here should be a technical term, with something other than its ordinary sense. We then offer a partial characterization of this technical sense. We contrast our view with some influential views about free speech , and show that our view has (...)
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  34.  31
    The Underdeveloped “Gift”: Ethics in Implementing Precision Medicine Research.Michelle L. McGowan, Melanie F. Myers, John A. Lynch, Kristin E. Childers-Buschle & Amy A. Blumling - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):67-69.
    Lee emphasizes the need to better understand the moral relationship between researchers and participants connoted by precision medicine, with the framework of “the gift” offering bioethics a...
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  35. On Pornography: MacKinnon, Speech Acts, and “False” Construction.Mary Kate Mcgowan - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):22-49.
    Although others have focused on Catharine MacKinnon's claim that pornography subordinates and silences women, I here focus on her claim that pornography constructs women's nature and that this construction is, in some sense, false. Since it is unclear how pornography, as speech, can construct facts and how constructed facts can nevertheless be false, MacKinnon's claim requires elucidation. Appealing to speech act theory, I introduce an analysis of the erroneous verdictive and use it to make sense of MacKinnon's constructionist claims. I (...)
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  36. A Partial Defense of Illocutionary Silencing.Mary Kate McGowan, Alexandra Adelman, Sara Helmers & Jacqueline Stolzenberg - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):132 - 149.
    Catharine MacKinnon has pioneered a new brand of anti-pornography argument. In particular, MacKinnon claims that pornography silences women in a way that violates their right to free speech. In what follows, we focus on a certain account of silencing put forward by Jennifer Hornsby and Rae Langton, and we defend that account against two important objections. The first objection contends that this account makes a crucial but false assumption about the necessary role of hearer recognition in successful speech acts. In (...)
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  37.  82
    On Media Reports, Politicians, Indirection, and Duplicity.Mary Kate McGowan - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):407-417.
    We often say one thing and mean another. This kind of indirection (concerning the content conveyed) is both ubiquitous and widely recognized. Other forms of indirection, however, are less common and less discussed. For example, we can sometimes address one person with the primary intention of being overheard by someone else. And, sometimes speakers say something simply in order to make it possible for someone else to say that they said it. Politicians generating sounds bites for the media are an (...)
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  38.  83
    On Locker Room Talk and Linguistic Oppression.Mary Kate McGowan - 2018 - Philosophical Topics 46 (2):165-181.
    This paper argues that linguistic oppression is coherent; speech can oppress. Moreover, even though oppression is a structural phenomenon, a single utterance can nevertheless be an act of oppression. This paper also argues that ordinary utterances can oppress. That is, speakers do not need to have and be exercising authority in order for their speech to be oppressive. Furthermore, ordinary speech can oppress even though the speakers do not intend to oppress, even though the hearers do not take it to (...)
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  39.  14
    Enjoying what we don't have: the political project of psychoanalysis.Todd McGowan - 2013 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
    First book to identify the political project inherent in the fundamental tenets of psychoanalysis.
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  40.  28
    New Applications, Hepeating, and Discrimination: Response to Anderson, Horisk, and Watson.Mary Kate McGowan - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (3):537-544.
    This article is the author's response to critical essays by Luvell Anderson, Claire Horisk, and Lori Watson. The legal concept of discrimination, the sneaky communicative functioning of joke-telling, and the phenomenon of hepeating are each discussed.
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  41.  47
    On Pragmatics, Exercitive Speech Acts and Pornography.Mary McGowan - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):133-155.
    On Pragmatics, Exercitive Speech Acts and Pornography Suppose that a suspect being questioned by the police says, "I think I'd better talk to a lawyer." Whether that suspect has invoked her right to an attorney depends on which particular speech act her utterance is. If she is merely thinking aloud about what she ought to do, then she has not invoked that right. If, on the other hand, she has thereby requested a lawyer, she has. Similarly, suppose that an unhappily (...)
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  42.  15
    Only a joke can save us: a theory of comedy.Todd McGowan - 2017 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Only a Joke Can Save Us presents an innovative and comprehensive theory of comedy. Using a wealth of examples from high and popular culture and with careful attention to the treatment of humor in philosophy, Todd McGowan locates the universal source of comedy in the interplay of the opposing concepts lack and excess. After reviewing the treatment of comedy in the work of philosophers as varied as Aristotle, G. W. F. Hegel, Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson, and Alenka Zupancic, (...), working in a psychoanalytic framework, demonstrates that comedy results from the deployment of lack and excess, whether in contrast, juxtaposition, or interplay. Illustrating the power and flexibility of this framework with analyses of films ranging from Buster Keaton and Marx Brothers classics to Dr. Strangelove and Groundhog Day, McGowan shows how humor can reveal gaps in being and gaps in social order. Scholarly yet lively and readable, Only a Joke Can Save Us is a groundbreaking examination of the enigmatic yet endlessly fascinating experience of humor and comedy."--Publisher's summary. (shrink)
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  43.  98
    On Silencing and Systematicity: The Challenge of the Drowning Case.Mary Kate McGowan, Ilana Walder-Biesanz, Morvareed Rezaian & Chloe Emerson - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (1):74-90.
    Silencing is a speech-related harm. We here focus on one particular account of silencing offered by Jennifer Hornsby and Rae Langton. According to this account, silencing is systematically generated, illocutionary-communicative failure. We here raise an apparent challenge to that account. In particular, we offer an example—the drowning case—that meets these conditions of silencing but does not intuitively seem to be an instance of it. First, we explore several conditions one might add to the Hornsby-Langton account, but we argue that none (...)
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  44.  68
    Teaching Science and Ethics to Undergraduates: A Multidisciplinary Approach.Alan H. McGowan - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):535-543.
    The teaching of the ethical implications of scientific advances in science courses for undergraduates has significant advantages for both science and non-science majors. The article describes three courses taught by the author as examples of the concept, and examines the disadvantages as well as the advantages. A significant advantage of this approach is that many students take the courses primarily because of the ethical component who would not otherwise take science. A disadvantage is less time in the course for the (...)
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  45.  10
    The Unconditional Love of Reality.Dale McGowan - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 191–196.
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    How to teach philosophy to your dog: exploring the big questions in life.Anthony McGowan - 2020 - New York: Pegasus Books.
    Monty was just like any other dog. A scruffy and irascible Maltese terrier, he enjoyed barking at pugs and sniffing at trees. But after yet another dramatic confrontation with the local Rottweiler, Anthony McGowan realizes it's high time he and Monty had a chat about what makes him a good or a bad dog. Taking his lead from Monty's canine antics, McGowan takes us on a hilarious and enlightening jaunt through the major debates of philosophy. Will Kant convince (...)
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    Atheism for Dummies.Dale McGowan - 2013 - For Dummies.
    _The easy way to understand atheism and secular philosophy_ For people seeking a non-religious philosophy of life, as well as believers with atheist friends, _Atheism For Dummies_ offers an intelligent exploration of the historical and moral case for atheism. Often wildly misunderstood, atheism is a secular approach to life based on the understanding that reality is an arrangement of physical matter, with no consideration of unverifiable spiritual forces. _Atheism For Dummies_ offers a brief history of atheist philosophy and its evolution, (...)
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  48. Popular culture. The priority of the example: Hegel contra film studies.Todd McGowan - 2014 - In Matthew Flisfeder & Louis-Paul Willis (eds.), Zizek and Media Studies: A Reader. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Student Engagement and Making Community Happen.Wayne S. McGowan & Lee Partridge - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (3):1-18.
    Student engagement and making community happen is a policy manoeuvre that shapes the political subjectivity of the undergraduate student In Australia, making community happen as a practice of student engagement is described as one of the major challenges for policy and practice in research-led universities. Current efforts to meet this challenge, however, merely recode ethical citizenship to a different but nonetheless prescriptive code of conduct,which closes down thoughts of making community happen to a single unified mode of being by appealing (...)
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    Using lessons learned from brca testing and marketing: What lies ahead for whole genome scanning services.Michelle L. McGowan & Jennifer R. Fishman - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (6):18 – 20.
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